fugstot | 17.07.2014
erny23 | 01.05.2014
I've just set up my new tactics blog, check out my first post: http://thefootballtactician.com/atletico-madrid-0-0-chelsea-atletico-fail-to-penetrate-a-stubborn-chelsea-defence/And let me know w...
erny23 | 23.04.2014 | Comments: 1
line up i am attempting to use for my little bros team
mono_manuelito | 05.06.2013
Finał Copa del Rey
Mejor | 17.05.2013
i believe this would be the chelsea lineup for the uefa super cup which is expected to start in less than an hour time,i expect nothing less than a win from the uefa champions league winners but football is unpredictable especially aleticos striker f...
EL NINO#9 | 31.08.2012 | Comments: 17
dan1jackson3 | 30.01.2012
Plantilla posible del Atletico de Madrid 2011-2012
federicuengels | 12.06.2011
Copa Del Rey 01/20/2011 Vicente Calderon
stonegold546 | 20.01.2011
Copa Del Rey 01/20/2011 Vicente Calderon
stonegold546 | 20.01.2011
A formation to test (although Valera is not good enough). Why not?
anaconda | 12.11.2010
Atletico Madrid
Wonderwall | 14.01.2008 | Comments: 1